Music > Interviews

Althea Rose

by Sophie Rice Words And Pix Courtesy Of Althea


Althea Rose

The power of live music is phenomenal- through a few songs, artists can connect with their listeners through powerful performances and communicate the passionate messages which lie beneath their music!  Here in Norwich, we will never be short of brilliant gigs we can go to, to witness this incredible power for ourselves! 

This Friday, Althea Rose will be taking to the stage of the Puppet Theatre as part of ‘ReWork’ the hits from Paul Simon!   

When did your journey as a musician begin?   

I grew up always singing and started writing songs in lockdown. I started performing at jams around Norwich a bit over a year ago and that’s when things really started to happen musically. I’ve met so many awesome people, and get to make music with incredible musicians I could never have dreamed of working with.  
How would you describe your music?  

My band does R&B/soul with jazz influences. We’re big on bass line-led grooves and smooth vocals.  
What impact do you wish for your music to have?  

Music, especially live music, whether listening or performing, brings me such unique joy, upliftedness and aliveness. Even the sad songs. I want to make things that let people experience all that too, and things that they can just enjoy listening to, because there’s hardly anything better.  
How do you stay motivated to create music?

I love creating music. It motivates me all by itself. It’s a discovery process: you don’t know where it’s going to go when you sit down and start, and the endless possibilities for everything you make is really exciting.  
Choose your favourite lyric!  

There’s a tune ‘Almost Blue’ by Elvis Costello; Chet Baker’s version is my favourite.   
“Almost blue, almost touching it will almost do, there’s a girl here and she’s almost you, almost…”   
It’s so wistful, melancholy, beautiful, universal, longing, almost sad. It conveys so much so simply. It’s incredible. Listen to it!!  
Social media- friend or foe for musicians?   

Social media is great for finding out about gigs and new artists, and connecting with other musicians. At the same time it feels strange trying to promote yourself into a void; the focus on short form content has the potential to change what we make; and it can make music making feel competitive, when really it should be the widest, most inclusive and collaborative thing, with space for everyone. So it’s a mixed bag.  
What inspired you to get involved with ‘ReWork’?  

I think the whole concept of reworking famous tunes is really cool and also bold, and it’s super interesting to see everyone’s takes, and to find new local musicians you might not otherwise get to see. Playing with such a cool line up is also really exciting!  
How important do you believe it is to support the local musical scene/ community of Norwich?  

So incredibly important! It feels like live music is always under threat, but it brings so much joy, connectedness and community. Norwich has an amazing local scene. Everyone is connected and everyone supports everyone (or at least that’s how it feels) and it’s the most wonderful thing. Music is made to be shared and experienced together so supporting the local scene is not just important but a wonderful thing to be able to get to do.  
Why do you believe Paul Simon has become an icon from the musical industry?   

Paul Simon was making a new style of music: pop-focussed enough to be accessible but with influences from other cultures making it out there enough to be new and interesting. Add that to the catchy lyrics and melodies he wrote and a long career with successful collaboration, and you have a music industry icon.   
What do you love most about performing live?  

How alive it makes me feel! Music is made to be shared and I love sharing and feeling with other people. Live music is where people are most present when listening and where the most community in music is felt. That’s what I love about attending live music events, and playing at them too. Performing with other fantastic musicians brings such a sense of excitement and possibility: we’re all working together to make something beautiful; we’re all present and in the moment, and it’s impossible to not feel alive when you’re part of something like that.  
Have you got any plans for 2024?  

We want to gig more and release some music! 
And, if you want to keep up to date with the work (and amazing music!) of Althea, then you can head to her Instagram (@althearose_music)!