Psychobilly from Germany with Support from StageFrite
The Trillionairs, a four-person combo from Dortmund and Oberhausen, have been in existence for fourteen years now. You could say “modern old-school” if you want to classify this group stylistically. To be more precise: The Trillionairs play solid psychobilly and use a good load of rock'n'roll, garnished with a variety of influences from surf, country, ska and rockabilly and, last but not least, a lot of B-movie flair, humor and self-irony.
Whatever it is there's a lot of steam when the boys jump on the boards. After countless gigs in the Ruhr area there are more and more concerts across Germany and festival appearances like in Potsdam, Bremen, Hannover, Hamburg, Berlin and Northampton too. After the debut LP “10.16”, the EP “Haunted”, the live CD “Delirium Bremens” there is the last vinyl “Hidden tunes from new dimensions” available. Look forward to a cardiac arrhythmia-inducing concert with the songs from the latest releases as well as some new material!
Swanabilly psycho switch blade rock n roll from the good ol broads of Norfolk
Free Entry
18+ Only
Pub open from 14:00 - Live Music from 20:00 - Last Call 23:00